Hotel Meudon paddle-in down the Helford

Hotel Meudon paddle-in down the Helford

Hotel Meudon paddle-in down the Helford

A 2-day kayak adventure with an overnight stay at Hotel Meudon in between.

There is something really rewarding about arriving for a night away under your own steam. Be that by foot, pedal, paddle or sail, it can transform a precious night away into an experiential stay.

Ditching the status quo brings an element of challenge, adventure and novelty to a trip. You are forced to slow down, giving you more opportunity to savour the surroundings and decompress your mind.

Along with the added sense of anticipation for your arrival, there's also satisfaction in your low-carbon achievement and a feeling of having earned the indulgence. Plus, the unique quirkiness of it makes your time away all the more memorable. 

Last month, we embarked on such an adventure, journeying by kayak down the Helford River to enjoy the comforts of an overnight at @hotelmeudon.

Join us, by reading the link below.

There is something really rewarding about arriving for a night away under your own steam. Be that by foot, pedal, paddle or sail, it can transform a precious night away into an experiential stay.

Ditching the status quo brings an element of challenge, adventure and novelty to a trip. You are forced to slow down, giving you more opportunity to savour the surroundings and decompress your mind.

Along with the added sense of anticipation for your arrival, there's also satisfaction in your low-carbon achievement and a feeling of having earned the indulgence. Plus, the unique quirkiness of it makes your time away all the more memorable. 

Last month, we embarked on such an adventure, journeying by kayak down the Helford River to enjoy the comforts of an overnight at @hotelmeudon.

Join us, by reading the link below.

There is something really rewarding about arriving for a night away under your own steam. Be that by foot, pedal, paddle or sail, it can transform a precious night away into an experiential stay.

Ditching the status quo brings an element of challenge, adventure and novelty to a trip. You are forced to slow down, giving you more opportunity to savour the surroundings and decompress your mind.

Along with the added sense of anticipation for your arrival, there's also satisfaction in your low-carbon achievement and a feeling of having earned the indulgence. Plus, the unique quirkiness of it makes your time away all the more memorable. 

Last month, we embarked on such an adventure, journeying by kayak down the Helford River to enjoy the comforts of an overnight at @hotelmeudon.

Join us, by reading the link below.


Work with me✨

I'm Lauren Holford, a creative content writer based in Cornwall with a passion for connecting readers to nature and the outdoors.

Work with me✨

I'm Lauren Holford, a creative content writer based in Cornwall with a passion for connecting readers to nature and the outdoors.